Action on Energy Autumn Event.

I attended this event on 11th October.

The aim is to help homeowners increase thermal efficiency and reduce energy consumption in heating their homes. Objective: To reduce the carbon footprint across Cambridgeshire.

Heating homes significantly contribute to greenhouse gasses because generating energy and using fossil fuels emits CO2 in most instances. Transport, Food Production, and Industry also contribute, and reductions will help – but raising awareness and removing/reducing barriers to improving thermal efficiency is an area many families can benefit from because a decrease in energy bills can save money.

There is funding available to help improve thermal efficiency. Many homeowners are unaware (unless they had a survey – maybe in pursuing a mortgage application). You can conduct your own (see link below) or have a professional assessment.

Another way is to borrow a thermal imaging camera. A thermal camera will clearly show whether areas are leaking heat by simple draft exclusion or additional insulation. There can be knock-on effects, such as ensuring that adequate ventilation is maintained to reduce the build-up of moisture – if in doubt – seek advice.

The Action on Energy website (below) provides access to funding, guidance and broader support.

Reducing greenhouse gasses can benefit the reversal of climate change; in Cambridgeshire, such a low-lying area must not become a casualty to excessive weather events, rising sea levels or pollution. For more information look up Cambridgeshire Carbon Footprint.

Cambridgeshire Councils have secured over £11.5m of central government funding. If the funds are not invested locally – they will be deployed elsewhere in the County (Peterborough is not part of this initiative).

Expertise is available if you know someone who wants to reduce their energy consumption. If someone is considering the replacement of their heating boiler – funding may be available. If access to a thermal imaging camera will help, some are available across the County.