EV charging points in Fenland

In a recent report, the following uneven distribution was highlighted as of July 2023:

AreaNumber of Local Authority EV chargersProportion 
South Cambridgeshire10724.8%
East Cambridgeshire429.7%

There are several sources of CO2 emissions, with transport being the second largest after home heating. Those who live in and visit Fenland should have access to better infrastructure than is provided now. Indeed, some residents cannot access home charging facilities because they cannot park on their premises.

A visitor is unlikely to ask whether they can plug into the mains supply when visiting family, and for general shopping, there are no EV chargers in any of the car parks other than those linked to a food supermarket.

The cities in Cambridgeshire and several larger towns have charging facilities, so our local shops and services are not being served well, and demand is rising. Battery Electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) are increasingly popular locally.

At a recent Whittlesey Town Council meeting, I asked when we will get our ten EV chargers. A letter will be sent to those responsible for delivering this infrastructure to reduce CO2 emissions.